HP 320.2
(In Heavenly Places 320.2)
In the hearts of the majority of men there is little respect for truth and righteousness. Unbelief in God and His Word is everywhere manifest.... While such conditions prevail in the world, we are not to shut ourselves in our homes and think that assent to truth is all that is required of us. Christ gave Himself a sacrifice for the sins of the world.... If you have the riches of the grace of Christ in your heart, you will not keep them to yourselves while the salvation of souls depends upon a knowledge of the way of salvation that you can give. These may not come to you and tell you their heart longings, but many are hungry, unsatisfied, and Christ died that they might have the riches of His grace. What are you going to do that these souls may share the blessings that you enjoy?—The Review and Herald, January 6, 1910. (HP 320.2) MC VC