UL 322.2
(The Upward Look 322.2)
He who draws nigh to Christ need not try to shine. As he beholds the Saviour, he catches the divine rays of light from the Sun of Righteousness, and he cannot help shining. The light that is in him shines forth in clear, bright rays, in words and works of righteousness. Christ’s grace dwells in him richly, and heaven’s light shines through him. He honors Christ by complete obedience. He is stimulated to more vigorous action in the cause of God as he imparts that which the Lord gives him. He is a light bearer to the world, shedding light on those who are in the darkness of error. He does not walk away from Christ, but keeps close by His side, conversing with Him, gathering divine principles from His Word. He goes about doing good, comforting the downcast, guiding wandering footsteps into the narrow way, sweetening the cup of bitterness, which many drink as a result of their own course of action. (UL 322.2) MC VC