UL 81.4
(The Upward Look 81.4)
“It is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2). When we are faithful in making God known, our impulses will be under divine supervision, and we shall make steady growth, spiritually and intellectually. But when men enter into a confederacy to exalt men, and have little to say of God, they are weakness itself. God will leave those who do not recognize Him in every effort made to uplift humanity. It is Christ’s power alone that can restore broken-down human machinery. Everywhere and in every place let those around you see that you give God the glory. Let man be put in the shade, let God appear as the only hope of the human race. Every man must rivet his building to the eternal Rock, Christ Jesus; then it will stand amid storm and tempest. (UL 81.4) MC VC