2SG 214-5, 217, 295a
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 214-5, 217, 295a)
If those moving from the East to the West had regarded these warnings, and had stood in the counsel of God, he would have wrought through them to the salvation of many souls. But many who moved West have set an example of love for this world and covetousness, and their works have shown that their object in settling West was for gain, and not to save souls. The special frown of God has rested upon those who have taken this course, especially upon some the Lord had called into the gospel field. (2SG 214.1) MC VC
Soon after we embraced the view that the testimony to the Laodicean church applied to this time, we visited Round Grove, Ills. I will here give an extract from a letter written to Bro. Howland’s family, Nov. 23, 1856. (2SG 214.2) MC VC
“We are now at Bro. E.’s. Many hundred miles separate us. We have had some interesting seasons since we came to this place. There is quite a settlement of Sabbath-keepers here, from Vermont, New York and Michigan. They have been in a low state. God has afflicted Bro. E., and removed his wife. Three times she was reproved by vision, and the third time I was shown if she did not stand out of her husband’s way, that he might be free to teach perishing souls the truth, God would move her out of the way. It is even so; she sickened and died. Her passage to the tomb was dark. O, it is dangerous to stand in the way of the work of God, and choose our own selfish course. Our God is merciful, yet he will not bear always. His tender Spirit is easily grieved. If ever I felt like moving carefully it is now. We must walk softly before the Lord. I feel anxious to have Jesus with me. If he goes before us, we can be of some use to others, and do good. We came to this place with trembling, but the Lord has wrought for us. We have had victory in our seasons of prayer, and victory in meeting. The melting power of God rests upon the hearers. The testimony to the Laodiceans has had an effect here. (2SG 214.3) MC VC
“Last Sabbath all felt like seeking for vital godliness. After the meeting closed, Bro. and Sr. S. came to spend the evening with us. Their two eldest daughters accompanied them. The Spirit of the Lord led us out in earnest supplication for them. The Lord touched their hearts, and they wept and confessed their sins and prayed before the Lord, and before rising they decided to give up the world, its pride and folly, and turn to the Lord with all their hearts. It was a scene of rejoicing for the parents. They were unable to express their deep gratitude to God. Heaven seemed very near. It was a confessing, melting season. All seemed anxious to humble themselves before God, and manifest a zeal in repenting of their sins, that the Saviour might come in to their hearts and sup with them and they with him. (2SG 215.1) MC VC
We labored some weeks in Round Grove, and the Lord blessed our efforts. In a vision given me there, I was shown the state of those brethren who had moved to Wawkon, [Waukon,] Iowa. Nearly all of them were in darkness, opposed to the work of God. Their sympathy was withdrawn from the Review Office, and from the church of God generally. Satan had planted the seeds of dissatisfaction, and the fruit was ripening. It was what might be called a more respectable “Messenger party.” (2SG 217.1) MC VC
I saw that they needed help, that Satan’s snare must be broken, and precious souls rescued. I did not see that it was our duty to go to them, but as I had been shown their condition, I felt anxious to go. It was a great distance, and in the winter. It was exceedingly difficult, and somewhat dangerous a journey, yet I felt urged on, to go to Wawkon [Waukon]. My mind could not be at ease until we decided to go trusting in the Lord. It was then good sleighing. Preparations were made to go with two horses and a sleigh, but it rained for twenty-four hours, and the snow was fast disappearing. My husband thought the journey must be given up. My mind could not rest. It was agitated concerning Wawkon [Waukon]. Bro. H. said to me, “Sr. White, what about Wawkon [Waukon]?” Said I, “We shall go.” “Yes,” said he, “if the Lord works a miracle.” Many times that night I was at the window watching the weather, and about day-break there was a change, and it commenced snowing. The next night about five o’clock, we were on our way to Wawkon [Waukon], brethren E. and H., husband and self. We held meetings with the brethren at Green Vale, Ills., and were there blocked in nearly a week with a severe snow-storm. Thursday we ventured to pursue our journey. Weary, cold and hungry, we called at a hotel a few miles from the Mississippi river. The next morning, about four o’clock, it commenced raining. We felt urged on, and rode through the rain, while the horses broke through the snow at almost every step. We made many inquiries about crossing the river, but none gave us encouragement that we could cross. The ice was mostly composed of snow, and there lay upon the top of it one foot of water. When we reached the river Bro. H. arose in the sleigh and said, “Is it Iowa, or back to Illinois? We have come to the Red sea, shall we cross?” We answered, “Go forward, trusting in Israel’s God.” We ventured upon the ice, praying as we went. We were carried safely across, and as we ascended the Iowa bank of the river, we united in praising the Lord. A number told us after we crossed, that no amount of money would have tempted them to cross, and that a number had broken in. They could not save their teams, and barely escaped with their lives. We rode that afternoon six miles from Dubuque. The Sabbath was drawing on, and we put up at a hotel to rest over the Sabbath. In the evening we united in singing some of our best hymns. The boarders collected to listen, and Bro. E. hung up the chart and gave a short lecture. They invited us to call on our return, saying they would warrant us a house, and a good congregation. (2SG 217.2) MC VC