(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 9)
Chapter 1—The Importance and Purpose of Sabbath School Work VC
An Important Work VC
The Sabbath school work is important, and all who are interested in the truth should endeavor to make it prosperous.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 109. (CSW 9.1) MC VC
A Marvelous Power for Good VC
Our Sabbath schools are nothing less than Bible societies, and in the sacred work of teaching the truths of God’s word, they can accomplish far more than they have hitherto accomplished. The Sabbath school, when rightly managed, possesses marvelous power, and is adapted to doing a great work, but it is not now [Written in 1889] what it may and should be. The influence growing out of Sabbath school work should improve and enlarge the church; but in no case should it ever be allowed to divert from the interests of the church. There is a most precious missionary field in the Sabbath school, and if there are now omens of good, they are only indications and beginnings of what may be done.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 29. (CSW 9.2) MC VC