CSW 104
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 104)
Provision for Increased Ability VC
We must have consecrated teachers, who love God supremely and their neighbors as themselves. The Lord has made ample provision that teachers may have increased ability from Sabbath to Sabbath, that they may teach to some purpose, working as for time and eternity. We need in our schools young men and women who have vital godliness, not a cheap, superficial experience, but a deep inward piety that results from learning daily in the school of Christ, that they may impart to others the precious lessons which Christ has taught them. (CSW 104.1) MC VC
Those who are satisfied with following a certain dry order, of going through a round, will miss the mark, and fail of the work that should be done by a Sabbath school teacher; but if those who engage in this important branch of God’s cause are Christians in the full sense of the word, doing the work given them of God in His fear, working with love for souls, for whom Christ died, they will be laborers together with God.... (CSW 104.2) MC VC
Teachers Should Be Exemplary VC
The teachers should set a right example before the youth, in spirit, in deportment, and in dress. They should be attired in plain, simple garments; and their spirit should be as humble as a child’s, yet pure and elevated, for they stand in the presence of God, to represent the character of Christ to their scholars. In the spirit of devotion, with tenderness of heart, they should look upon their charges, remembering that Jesus said, “Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father which is in heaven.”(Matthew 18:10) ... (CSW 104.3) MC VC