CSW 11, 77, 157-8, 162-3
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 11, 77, 157-8, 162-3)
A Strength to the Church VC
There is a broad field in Sabbath school work, that needs to be diligently cultivated, and that is to inspire our youth to give themselves wholly to the Lord, to be used by Him in His cause. There should be zealous, faithful workers in our Sabbath schools, who will watch and discern upon whom the Spirit of God is moving, and cooperate with the angels of God in winning souls for Christ. There are sacred responsibilities entrusted to Sabbath school workers, and the Sabbath school should be the place where, through a living connection with God, men and women, youth and children, may be so fitted up that they shall be a strength and blessing to the church. They should help the church upward and onward, as far as it lies in their ability, going from strength to greater strength.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 92. (CSW 11.1) MC VC
A Broad, Important Field VC
Superintendents and the workers in our Sabbath schools have a very important, broad field to cultivate. They need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit of God, that their minds may be impressed to use the very best methods, and follow the best plans to make their work wholly successful. The Lord will work with their efforts; for the youth are the purchase of the blood of the only-begotten Son of God. The Lord loved these youth, and gave Jesus to die, that “whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. (CSW 11.2) MC VC
Neglect Not the Children VC
While something has been done for the education and religious training of the youth, there is still a great lack. Many more need to be encouraged and helped. There is not that personal labor given which the case requires. It is not the ministers alone who have neglected this solemn work of saving the youth; the members of the churches will have to settle with the Master for their indifference and neglect of duty. (CSW 77.1) MC VC
The Lord is not glorified when the children are neglected and passed by. They are to be educated, disciplined, and patiently instructed. They require more than casual notice, more than a word of encouragement. They need painstaking, prayerful, careful labor. The heart that is filled with love and sympathy will reach the hearts of the youth who are apparently careless and hopeless.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 114, 115. (CSW 77.2) MC VC
Directing the Little Flock VC
Our superintendents, our teachers in the Sabbath school, should be frequently in prayer. A word spoken in due season may be as good seed in youthful minds, and may result in leading little feet in the right path. But a wrong word may lead their feet in the path of ruin.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 112. (CSW 77.3) MC VC
Gather the Infants VC
Gather the infants with lisping lips, the youth and the aged, and set them to the task of solving mysteries which have not been comprehended by the wise men of earth, although possessed of giant minds. The weighty truths of God’s word are for those who are humble and willing to learn at the feet of the divine Teacher. Jesus rejoiced in spirit because of this fact, and said, “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father: for it seemed good in Thy sight.” Matthew 11:25~26. (CSW 77.4) MC VC
A Soul-winning Ministry VC
Entire consecration of soul must be maintained as much by the teachers and superintendents of our Sabbath schools as by the ministers in our pulpits, for all alike are engaged in the work of bringing souls to Christ. Each in his place is to work, as did Christ, in the spirit of love, for the erring and impenitent. This is what Christ would see in the Sabbath school work.... The angels of God that behold the face of the Father in heaven are looking upon the children and youth, whom you, as living agents for God, are teaching the way of salvation. Think of this, superintendents and teachers; you are in the presence of heavenly angels, doing work the character of which will testify to your fidelity or unfaithfulness to Christ.... (CSW 157.1) MC VC
Aided by the Holy Spirit VC
The superintendents and teachers in our Sabbath schools must be converted, rescued from their habitual insensibility. The precious lessons of truth must not be taught in a tame, lifeless way; but, by daily communion with the Lord, by a reception of the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness, life-giving power must be added to their efforts to win souls to Christ. They must continually keep the mind stayed upon Christ, that the thoughts and impulses may be of a spiritual character, and that their manner and method of teaching may be subject to the dictation of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in its highest manifestation to men is to enable them to put forth their best energies, as God is working in them to will and to do of His own good pleasure. (CSW 158.1) MC VC
“Without Me,” Christ says, “ye can do nothing.” John 15:5. The worker is not to be left alone. The Spirit of God is given unto him that he may will and do of God’s good pleasure, that he may “make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” Romans 13:14. Then, teacher, follow the leadings of the Spirit. As the Spirit of God draws the hearts of the children and youth, you draw with tenderness and love, inviting them, and pleading with them to give their hearts to God. (CSW 158.2) MC VC
The children and youth are Christ’s purchased possession; He has bought them with an infinite price. Jesus loves the little ones. He looks with pity upon the young, for He knows how Satan will seek to attract them into the broad way, making it look enticing to their eyes; and Jesus bids the angels to take special charge of these inexperienced souls, in their homes, in their school life, and in the Sabbath school. The Spirit is continually striving with them, seeking to draw them to God; and the laborer together with God will feel his responsibility, and will earnestly work to win souls to Christ.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 41-44. (CSW 158.3) MC VC
A Life-giving Power VC
Wonderful opportunities are passing by unimproved in our Sabbath school work. Let men and women of varied gifts come into the work, and in the fear of God do their best to save our youth. Let not those who have a mechanical way of doing things, take complete charge of the school, and mold it into formal ways, into precise habits, and yet all its life stifled in a multiplicity of regulations. It is essential to have order, but we need a great deal more spiritual knowledge along with our rules and regulations. We need a life-giving power, a zealous enthusiasm, a true animation, that our schools may become filled with an atmosphere of true piety and purity; that there may be real religious advancement; that the fear of the Lord may circulate through the school; that the superintendent and leaders may not be satisfied with a dead, formal process, but may set every agency at work, that the school may become the noblest, most efficient school in the world. This should be the object and ambition of every worker in the school. (CSW 162.1) MC VC
Wanted—True Superintendents VC
The leaders in our schools should be men and women of quick intuitions, who have the Spirit of God to aid them in reading character, who have managing ability, who can understand different phases of character, and display tact and wisdom in dealing with varied minds. There are many who can fill the place of superintendent in name, but what is needed is men who can fill the place in every sense of the word. There are many who can go through the form cleverly enough; but they fail to impart courage and hope, to inspire thought, to quicken energy, and to impart such life that the school shall become a living, growing power for good. (CSW 162.2) MC VC
There is a great field open to the teachers also, and they should seek to understand how to work in such a way as to lead out and develop the minds and hearts of the children. They should have the wisdom that cometh from above, that they may deal successfully with the youth and children. Many teachers are shortsighted, and take a course with the youth that does not tend to good results; and instead of advancement there is retrogression. What both workers and pupils need is the endowment of the Holy Spirit, that there may not be spasmodic reforms, but a steady growth in grace, a constant accession of spiritual life and power.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 91-94. (CSW 163.1) MC VC
Crippled for True Leadership VC
Our Sabbath schools which are to instruct the children and youth are too superficial. The managers of these need to plow deeper. They need to put more thought and more hard work upon the work they are doing. They need to be more thorough students of the Bible, and to have a deeper religious experience, in order to know how to conduct Sabbath schools after the Lord’s order, and how to lead children and youth to their Saviour. This is one of the branches of the work that is crippling along for the want of efficient, discerning men and women, who feel their accountability to God to use their powers, not to exhibit self, not for vainglory, but to do good.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 111. (CSW 163.2) MC VC