CSW 164
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 164)
Mechanical, but Spiritless VC
We must come up to a higher plane of action. Let the Spirit of Jesus vitalize the souls of the workers. Then their plans and methods of labor will be of that character to win souls to Jesus Christ. In our large churches, where there are many children and youth, there is great danger of so managing the Sabbath school that it will become a mere form, mechanical but spiritless. It lacks Jesus.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 14. (CSW 164.1) MC VC
The Choosing of Officers VC
Christian women may exert an influence for good over the youth and children. Their capabilities are God’s entrusted talents, and should be wholly consecrated to the Master’s service. Many are quick to discern, and efficient to execute, but they need to be closely connected with God. They will seek for new methods and ways by which to develop character and educate the youth how to use the talents God has given them. (CSW 164.2) MC VC