CSW 83
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 83)
The Sabbath School a Factor in Missionary Training VC
It has been proved in the missionary field, that, whatever may be the preaching talent, if the laboring part is neglected, if the people are not taught how to work, how to conduct meetings, how to act their part in missionary labor, how to reach people successfully, the work will be nearly a failure. There is much to be done in the Sabbath school work also, in bringing the people to realize their obligation and to act their part. God calls them to work for Him, and the ministers should guide their efforts.—Testimonies for the Church 5:256. (CSW 83.1) MC VC
A Training for Bible Work VC
The great work of opening the Bible from house to house in Bible readings gives an added importance to the Sabbath school work, and makes it evident that the teachers in the schools should be consecrated men and women, who understand the Scriptures, and can rightly divide the word of truth. The idea of holding Bible readings is a heaven-born idea, and opens the way to put hundreds of young men and women into the field to do an important work, which otherwise could not have been done. (CSW 83.2) MC VC