PM 301.1
(The Publishing Ministry 301.1)
Christ Our Recommendation to the People—Much painstaking effort will be required of those who have the burden of this work; for right instruction must be given, that a sense of the importance of the work may be kept before the workers, and that all may cherish the spirit of self-denial and sacrifice exemplified in the life of our Redeemer. Christ made sacrifices at every step, sacrifices that none of His followers can ever make. In all the self-denial required of us in this work; amid all the unpleasant things that occur, we are to consider that we are yoked up with Christ, partakers of His spirit of kindness, forbearance, and self-abnegation. This spirit will open the way before us, and give us success, because Christ is our recommendation to the people.—The Review and Herald, May 6, 1902. (PM 301.1) MC VC