MM 156
(Medical Ministry 156)
A Solemn Warning VC
The Lord has instructed me to warn those who establish sanitariums in new places to begin their work in humility. They are to consecrate their abilities to God, to be used to the glory of His name. (MM 156.1) MC VC
The sanitariums established in the future are not to be immense, expensive buildings. Small local sanitariums are to be established in connection with our schools. (MM 156.2) MC VC
Many sanitariums are to be established in places outside the cities. Connected with them there are to be men and women of ability and consecration, who will conduct themselves in the love and fear of God. These institutions are to be training schools. Those who act a part in them are not to feel that they are prepared for graduation, that they know all they need to know. They are to study diligently and practice carefully the lessons Christ has given.— Manuscript 76, 1902. (MM 156.3) MC VC
Move Carefully VC
There are men who do not move wisely. They are anxious to make a large appearance. They think that outward display will give them influence. In their work, they do not first sit down and count the cost, to see whether they are able to finish what they have begun. Thus they show their weakness. They show that they have much to learn in regard to the necessity of moving carefully and guardedly. In their self-confidence they make many mistakes. Thus some have received harm from which they will never recover. This has been the case with several who have felt competent to establish and conduct sanitariums. Failure comes to them, and ... they find themselves involved in debt.... (MM 156.4) MC VC