MM 324
(Medical Ministry 324)
Opportunities to Purchase Sanitarium Properties VC
I have just read again your letter of April 25, 1905, and will try to write something in reply. I shall not be able to write a long letter, for the mail goes at noon today. (MM 324.1) MC VC
I wish to say that I do not see any objections to securing the buildings mentioned. The light given me is that buildings suitable for our work will be offered to us at a price far below their cost, making it possible for us to secure them. This has been the case in our experience in establishing sanitarium work in southern California, and it will be the case in other countries. Advantage should be taken of these opportunities to establish and extend gospel medical missionary work; for time is short, and we must sow the seeds of health-reform principles. (MM 324.2) MC VC
When an opportunity presents itself to purchase at a low price buildings in which our work may be carried on, let us take advantage of these opportunities. Had this been done by the leaders of the medical work in -----, there would now be many, many plants in our cities in America, cities that have not yet been enlightened by the truth upon health reform. Therefore forbid not those who desire to extend medical missionary work in some other part of Australia. Adelaide is a long way from Sydney. A sanitarium there would not interfere with the work of Wahroonga Sanitarium. (MM 324.3) MC VC
There should be sanitariums near all our large cities. Advantage should be taken of the opportunities to purchase buildings in favorable locations, that the standard of truth may be planted in many places. (MM 324.4) MC VC
I have been instructed that we are not to delay to do the work that needs to be done in health-reform lines. Through this work we are to reach souls in the highways and the byways. I have been given special light that in our sanitariums many souls will receive and obey present truth. In these institutions men and women are to be taught how to care for their own bodies, and at the same time how to become sound in the faith. They are to be taught what is meant by eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of God. Said Christ, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63. (MM 324.5) MC VC