MM 155-7
(Medical Ministry 155-7)
Not a thread of selfishness is to be drawn into the web. But this has been done, and will continue to be done unless God’s professing people receive the new heart that makes the actions holy. Unless they reform, unless their characters are changed, they will be left outside the City of God; for within its gates can enter nothing that defiles. Only those who are without spot or wrinkle or any such thing will pass in the grand review. Unholy ambition will prove the ruin of many souls. This is the word that I am instructed to give to all who claim to believe present truth. (MM 155.1) MC VC
Departure from Correct Principles VC
Men have entered into the sanitarium work for the purpose of gain more than from a desire to do missionary work for Christ. They have not realized their responsibility to labor as consecrated, devoted believers seeking to impart light to those in darkness, showing the holiness that God accepts. They did not hold up the principles of health reform. Some were opposed to health reform; others were only half converted on the question of reform diet. (MM 155.2) MC VC
With some the chief thought in undertaking sanitarium work has been to show what “I can do.” They did not first sit down and count the cost, asking themselves whether, after taking up the work, they would be able to carry it forward acceptably and successfully in the fear and love of God. Instead of moving cautiously, exercising the strictest economy at every step, they made investments on borrowed capital. They felt sure that they could carry forward the work without loss, and that their debts would soon be paid. They did not work out their plans with fear and trembling, and they brought trouble to the cause which their work was supposed to represent. (MM 155.3) MC VC
If our physicians would be willing to unite with men who have made a success of financial management; if they would cheerfully work in a humble way, until the earnings of their work enabled them to enlarge; if they would resolutely refuse to pile up debts, they would save themselves and their brethren from many sorrows. If they would depend on the help of God, putting their trust in Him and showing themselves willing to begin small and to let the merit of their work speak for itself, if they had sanctified motives, if they would make it their determination to exert a saving influence in the world, they would be blessed in their work, and many more sanitariums would be established as representatives of the truth. (MM 155.4) MC VC
A Solemn Warning VC
The Lord has instructed me to warn those who establish sanitariums in new places to begin their work in humility. They are to consecrate their abilities to God, to be used to the glory of His name. (MM 156.1) MC VC
The sanitariums established in the future are not to be immense, expensive buildings. Small local sanitariums are to be established in connection with our schools. (MM 156.2) MC VC
Many sanitariums are to be established in places outside the cities. Connected with them there are to be men and women of ability and consecration, who will conduct themselves in the love and fear of God. These institutions are to be training schools. Those who act a part in them are not to feel that they are prepared for graduation, that they know all they need to know. They are to study diligently and practice carefully the lessons Christ has given.— Manuscript 76, 1902. (MM 156.3) MC VC
Move Carefully VC
There are men who do not move wisely. They are anxious to make a large appearance. They think that outward display will give them influence. In their work, they do not first sit down and count the cost, to see whether they are able to finish what they have begun. Thus they show their weakness. They show that they have much to learn in regard to the necessity of moving carefully and guardedly. In their self-confidence they make many mistakes. Thus some have received harm from which they will never recover. This has been the case with several who have felt competent to establish and conduct sanitariums. Failure comes to them, and ... they find themselves involved in debt.... (MM 156.4) MC VC
Contentment with Slow Growth VC
Men who might have done well if they had consecrated themselves to God, if they had been willing to work in a humble way, enlarging their business slowly and refusing to go into debt, have made a failure because they have not worked on right lines. And after getting into difficulty they have sold out as men incompetent to manage. They desired relief from financial pressure, and did not stop to think of the after results. (MM 157.1) MC VC
Those who help such ones out of difficulty are tempted to bind them with such strong cords in the shape of pledges that ever after they feel they are bondslaves. They seldom outgrow the reputation of poor management and failure. (MM 157.2) MC VC
To those who thus become involved in debt, I am instructed to say: Do not give up if you are moving in right lines. Work with all your power to relieve the situation yourselves. Do not throw an embarrassed institution upon an association that is already heavily burdened with debt. It is best for every sanitarium to stand in its own responsibility. (MM 157.3) MC VC
Those who have charge of our sanitariums should move guardedly. There are times when they will see little increase. Let them act with wisdom and tact and adaptability. Let them study and practice the instruction Christ gave in regard to building a tower. Forethought is of far more value than afterthought—when a neglect of wise calculation and careful management is plainly seen to result in failure. Managers who are slack, who do not know how to manage, should be separated from the work. Secure the services of men and women who know how to bind about the edges so that the work shall not ravel out. (MM 157.4) MC VC
Let all who are connected with our institutions humble themselves before God. Let them ask God to help them to plan so wisely and economically that the institutions will take firm root and will bear fruit to God’s glory. Depend not on men. Look to Jesus. Continue in prayer and watch unto prayer with thanksgiving. Be sure that you have a close connection with Christ.—Letter 12, 1902. (MM 157.5) MC VC
Honor Through Lowliness VC
Although having every necessary facility with which to work, the managers of some of our larger sanitariums have desired to make many improvements with money that is not their own, but the Lord’s. Some neglect to perform deeds of mercy for the needy, and use for themselves the pittance saved in this way. Many commit act after act of complicated robbery of God in the person of His saints. In their business dealings, those connected with our institutions should always be actuated by noble principles, revealing by their example the pure, holy principles that govern every Christian.... (MM 157.6) MC VC