MM 212-3
(Medical Ministry 212-3)
Cultivate an Atmosphere of Praise VC
Do not allow the helpers to overwork. Let the patients see nurses that are cheerful and bright, not nurses who, because they are overworked, are discouraged and downhearted. It is most inconsistent with the principles on which our sanitariums are founded for the nurses to be allowed to break down in their work. (MM 212.1) MC VC
The workers are to practice the principles of health reform in all that they do—standing, walking, breathing, eating, and dressing. They are to surround themselves with an atmosphere of praise. They are to cultivate the voice, keeping it pleasant and sympathetic. No word of discouragement is to be heard. Let the nurses and physicians face the light. Let them open the windows of the heart heavenward, that it may be flooded with the beams of the Sun of Righteousness.—Letter 116, 1903. (MM 212.2) MC VC
Neatness and Order VC
Everything connected with a sanitarium should be neat and orderly. Neatness and order will often have more influence than mere words. In the bathroom everything should be so arranged as to make a favorable impression upon those who visit the institution.— Manuscript 57, 1909. (MM 212.3) MC VC
Gossip VC
There are some, both men and women, who gossip more than they pray. They have not clear spiritual discernment. They are far from God. When they talk with the patients, their attitude seems to say, “Report and we will report it.” (MM 212.4) MC VC
Helpers who follow this course are to be labored with and reproved. And if they refuse to change their course, let them be dismissed. If they are allowed to continue in the institution, they will bring about a condition of things that will separate the Lord from the institution. It is far better to send away the rebel workers than to shut the Lord out of the institution. Let the helpers, in whatever department they work, be discreet. If they repeat all they hear and talk of all they see, they will be a curse to the institution. There are those who find delight in telling things to create a sensation. This is demoralizing to an institution, and should not receive the least countenance.—Letter 30, 1887. (MM 212.5) MC VC
Rejoice in the Lord VC
The talent of speech is a precious talent. The riches of the grace of Christ which He is ever ready to bestow upon us, we are to impart in true, hopeful words. “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4. If we would guard our words, so that nothing but kindness shall escape our lips, we will give evidence that we are preparing to become members of the heavenly family. In words and works we shall show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Oh, what a reformative influence would go forth if we as a people would value at its true worth the talent of speech and its influence upon human souls! (MM 213.1) MC VC
The Sabbath meetings, the morning and evening worship in the home, the services held in the chapel—all should be vitalized by the Spirit of Christ. Each member of the sanitarium family should confess Christ openly and with gladness, expressing the joy and comfort and hope that are written in the soul. Christ is to be set forth as the Chiefest among ten thousand, the One altogether lovely. He is to be set forth as the Giver of every good and perfect gift, the One in whom our hopes of eternal life are centered. If we would do this, all narrowness must be set aside, and we must call into exercise the love of Christ. The joy we experience in this love will be a blessing to others. (MM 213.2) MC VC
Deep Earnestness and Joy VC
I am bidden to say to the sanitarium family, Let your social meetings, and all your religious exercises, be characterized by a deep earnestness and a joy that expresses the love of God in the soul. Such meetings will be profitable to all; for they will bind heart to heart. Let there be earnest seasons of prayer; for prayer will give strength to the religious experience. Confess Christ openly and bravely, and manifest at all times the meekness of Christ. (MM 213.3) MC VC
The Lord would have the family of workers at Loma Linda channels of light. If we will keep the heart and mind opened heavenward, cherishing the comfort of His grace in the heart, the presence of Christ will be revealed. Let earnestness and zeal come into your lives. Make no backward movements. The Lord is our helper, our guide, our shield, our exceeding great reward. Do not allow levity to come into your experience, but cultivate cheerfulness; for this is an excellent grace. We cannot afford to be unmindful of our words and deportment.... (MM 213.4) MC VC