CT 520, 523
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 520, 523)
Those in training to be nurses and physicians should daily be given instruction that will develop the highest motives for advancement. They should attend our colleges and training schools; and the teachers in these institutions of learning should realize their responsibility to work and to pray with their students. Students should learn to be true medical missionaries, firmly bound up with the gospel ministry.... (CT 520.1) MC VC
Whenever a well-equipped sanitarium is established near a school, it may add greatly to the strength of the medical missionary course in the school if there is cooperation between the two institutions. The teachers in the school can help the workers in the sanitarium by their advice and counsel, and by sometimes speaking to the patients. And, in return, those in charge of the sanitarium can assist in training for field service the students who are desirous of becoming medical missionaries. Circumstances, of course, must determine the details of the arrangements that it will be best to make. As the workers in each institution plan unselfishly to help the other, the blessing of the Lord will surely rest upon both institutions. (CT 520.2) MC VC
Let this be taught and lived by medical missionary workers. Let these laborers tell those with whom they come in contact that the life that men and women now live will one day be examined by a just God, and that each one must now do his best, offering to God consecrated service. Those in charge of the school are to teach the students to use for the highest, holiest purpose the talents God has given them, that they may accomplish the greatest good in this world. Students need to learn what it means to have a real aim in life, and to obtain an exalted understanding of what true education means. They need to learn what it means to be true gospel medical missionaries—missionaries who can go forth to labor with the ministers of the word in needy fields. (CT 523.1) MC VC
Wherever there is a favorable opportunity, let our sanitariums and our schools plan to be a help and a strength to one another. The Lord would have His work move forward solidly. Let light shine forth as God designed that it should from His institutions, and let God be glorified and honored. This is the purpose and plan of Heaven in the establishment of these institutions. Let physicians and nurses, teachers and students, walk humbly with God, trusting wholly in Him as the only one who can make their work a success. November 14, 1905. (CT 523.2) MC VC