CT 65
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 65)
What shall be the character of the education given in our schools? Shall it be according to the wisdom of this world, or according to the wisdom which is from above? ... Teachers are to do more for their students than to impart a knowledge of books. Their position as guide and instructor of the youth is most responsible, for to them is given the work of molding mind and character. Those who undertake this work should possess well-balanced, symmetrical characters. They should be refined in manner, neat in dress, careful in all their habits; and they should have that true Christian courtesy that wins confidence and respect. The teacher should be himself what he wishes his students to become. (CT 65.1) MC VC
Teachers are to watch over their students as the shepherd watches over the flock entrusted to his charge. They should care for souls as they that must give an account. (CT 65.2) MC VC
The teacher may understand many things in regard to the physical universe; he may know about the structure of animal life, the discoveries of natural science, the inventions of mechanical art; but he cannot be called educated, he is not fitted for his work as an instructor of the youth, unless he has in his own soul a knowledge of God and of Christ. He cannot be a true educator until he is himself a learner in the school of Christ, receiving an education from the divine Instructor. (CT 65.3) MC VC