CT 372
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 372)
The teachers in our schools are today in danger of following in the same track as did the Jews in Christ’s day. Whatever may be their position, however they may pride themselves upon their ability to teach, unless they open the chambers of the soul temple to receive the bright rays of the Sun of Righteousness, they are written in the books of heaven as unbelievers. By precept and example they intercept the rays of light that would come to the students. Their danger is in being self-centered and too wise to be instructed. (CT 372.1) MC VC
We are living in a world full of corruption, and if we do not receive the living Christ into our hearts, believing and doing His words, we shall be left as blind as were the Jews. All teachers need to grasp every ray of heavenly light shed upon their pathway; for as instructors they need light. Some say, “Yes, I think I am anxious for this;” but they deceive themselves. Where do you get your light? From what fountain have you been drinking? I have the word of the Lord that not a few of the teachers have left the snow waters of Lebanon for the turbid streams of the valley. God alone can guide us safely in paths which lead to the better country. But the teachers who are not earnestly and intelligently seeking that better country are leading those under their influence to be careless and to neglect the great salvation bought for them at an infinite price. (CT 372.2) MC VC