AH 533
(The Adventist Home 533)
Chapter 85—The Reward Here and Hereafter VC
A Rich Reward Awaits Faithful Parents—If parents give their children the proper education, they themselves will be made happy by seeing the fruit of their careful training in the Christlike character of their children. They are doing God the highest service by presenting to the world well-ordered, well-disciplined families, who not only fear the Lord, but honor and glorify Him by their influence upon other families; and they will receive their reward. (AH 533.1) MC VC
Believing parents, you have a responsible work before you to guide the footsteps of your children, even in their religious experience. When they truly love God, they will bless and reverence you for the care which you have manifested for them, and for your faithfulness in restraining their desires and subduing their wills. (AH 533.2) MC VC
There is a reward when the seed of truth is early sown in the heart and carefully tended. (AH 533.3) MC VC
Parents should labor with reference to the future harvest. While they sow in tears, amid many discouragements, it should be with earnest prayer. They may see the promise of but a late and scanty harvest, yet that should not prevent the sowing. They should sow beside all waters, embracing every opportunity both to improve themselves and to benefit their children. Such seed sowing will not be in vain. At the harvest time many faithful parents will return with joy, bringing their sheaves with them. (AH 533.4) MC VC