CT 125, 252
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 125, 252)
There is untold value in industry. Let the children be taught to do something useful. More than human wisdom is needed that parents may understand how best to educate their children for a useful, happy life here, and for higher service and greater joy hereafter. (CT 125.1) MC VC
The Physical Well-Being VC
Parents should seek to awaken in their children an interest in the study of physiology. From the first dawn of reason the human mind should become intelligent in regard to the physical structure. We may behold and admire the work of God in the natural world, but the human habitation is the most wonderful. It is therefore of the highest importance that among the studies selected for children, physiology occupy an important place. All children should study it. And then parents should see to it that practical hygiene is added. (CT 125.2) MC VC
Children are to be trained to understand that every organ of the body and every faculty of the mind is the gift of a good and wise God, and that each is to be used to His glory. Right habits in eating and drinking and dressing must be insisted upon. Wrong habits render the youth less susceptible to Bible instruction. The children are to be guarded against the indulgence of appetite, and especially against the use of stimulants and narcotics. The tables of Christian parents should not be loaded down with food containing condiments and spices. (CT 125.3) MC VC
May 17, 1908. (CT 252) MC VC
There is a fullness of experience for every teacher to gain. The studies you take will either strengthen your faith and confidence in God, and teach you how to work as His helping hand, or they will leave you in a worse condition than you were before. Those who work out the principles that the Lord has given will stand on vantage ground. The mercies and blessings of heaven will come into their lives, enabling them to work out the will of God. (CT 252.1) MC VC
Teach the simple principles of the word of God, making the Bible the foundation of your study. The true higher education is that which is received by sitting at the feet of Jesus and learning of Him. Let your character building be after the pattern revealed to man in the life of Christ. (CT 252.2) MC VC
In all your work you must do as the husbandman does in laboring for the fruits of the earth. Apparently he throws away the seed; but, buried in the soil, the seed germinates. The power of the living God gives it life and vitality, and there is seen “first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.” Mark 4:28. Study this wonderful process. Oh, there is so much to learn, so much to understand! If we improve our minds to the utmost of our ability we shall through the eternal ages continue to study the ways and works of God, and to know more and more of Him. (CT 252.3) MC VC