5T 380
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 5 380)
How much is required of the minister in his work of watching for souls as they that must give an account! What devotion, what singleness of purpose, what elevated piety, should be seen in his life and character! How much is lost through a want of tact and skill in presenting the truth to others, how much through a carelessness of deportment, a roughness of speech, and a worldliness that in no way represents Jesus or savors of heaven. Our work is about to close up. Soon it will be said in heaven: “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” Revelation 22:11. At this solemn time the church is called upon to be vigilant because of the intense activity of Satan. His agency is seen on every hand, and yet ministers and people act as though they were ignorant of his devices and paralyzed by his power. Let each member of the church awake. Let each laborer remember that the vineyard he tills is not his own, but belongs to his Lord, who has gone on a long journey and in His absence has commissioned His servants to look after His interests; and let him remember that if he is unfaithful to his trust he must give an account to his Lord when He shall return. (5T 380.1) MC VC
While the doubting ones talk of impossibilities, while they tremble at the thought of high walls and strong giants, let the faithful Calebs, who have “another spirit,” Numbers 14:24. come to the front. The truth of God, which bringeth salvation, will go forth to the people if ministers and professed believers will not hedge up its way, as did the unfaithful spies. Our work is aggressive. Something must be done to warn the world; and let no voice be heard that will encourage selfish interests to the neglect of missionary fields. We must engage in the work with heart and soul and voice; both mental and physical powers must be aroused. All heaven is interested in our work, and angels of God are ashamed of our weak efforts. (5T 380.2) MC VC