PM 31.1
(The Publishing Ministry 31.1)
Republishing Experiences of Early Leaders [In 1915, seven years after Manuscript 13 (1908) was written, Life Sketches of Ellen G. White appeared in print. In its pages Ellen White “pictures the trials, the struggles, and the successes that attended the labors of a few earnest souls from whose endeavors sprang the churches that afterward united to form the Seventh-day Adventist denomination (Preface, p. 5).” From chapter 42, on page 255, her own life story and that of her husband is continued by C. C. Crisler, W. C. White, and Dores Robinson. Thus the stories of pioneer fortitude and sacrifices have been recorded in print for all to profit by. Biographies of pioneers such as James White and John Loughborough, are available at Adventist Book Centers.]—I have been instructed to publish the early experiences of the cause of present truth, showing why we stand, as we do, a people separate and distinct from the world.... While Satan is stirring up many to depart from the faith, I am bidden to republish the experiences of the past and give the message of warning God sends, showing the dangers of the present time, and what will be in the future.—Manuscript 13, 1908. (PM 31.1) MC VC