MM 234-5
(Medical Ministry 234-5)
Benefits of Open-Air Exercise VC
Why deprive the patients of the health-restoring blessing to be found in out-of-door life? I have been instructed that as the sick are encouraged to leave their rooms and spend time in the open air, tending the flowers, or doing some other light, pleasant work, their minds will be called from self to something more health-giving. Open-air exercise should be prescribed as a beneficial, life-giving necessity. The longer patients can be kept out of doors, the less care they will require. (MM 234.1) MC VC
The more cheerful their surroundings, the more hopeful they will be. Surround them with the beautiful things of nature, place them where they can see the flowers growing and hear the birds singing, and their hearts will break into a song in harmony with the song of the birds. Shut them in rooms, and, be those rooms ever so elegantly furnished, they will grow fretful and gloomy. Give them the blessing of outdoor life; for thus their souls will be uplifted, unconsciously, and, in a large sense, consciously. Relief will come to body and mind.... (MM 234.2) MC VC
Health and Joy in Field and Orchard VC
Our Redeemer is constantly working to restore in man the moral image of God. And although the whole creation groans under the curse, and fruit and flowers are nothing in comparison with what they will be in the earth made new, yet even today the sick may find health and gladness and joy in field and orchard. What a restorative this is! What a preventive of sickness! The leaves of the tree of life are for the healing of the believing, repenting children of God who avail themselves of the blessing to be found in tree and shrub and flower, even marred as nature is by the curse.— Manuscript 41, 1902. (MM 234.3) MC VC
Awaken Faith in the Great Healer VC
The soothing power of pure truth seen, acted, and maintained in all its bearings is of a value no language can express to people who are suffering with disease. Keep ever before the suffering sick the compassion and tenderness of Christ, and awaken their conscience to a belief in His power to relieve suffering, and lead them to faith and trust in Him, the Great Healer, and you have gained a soul and ofttimes a life. (MM 234.4) MC VC
Therefore personal religion for all physicians in the sickroom is essential to success in giving the simple treatment without drugs. He who is a physician and guardian of the health and body, God would have in every way educated to learn lessons of the Great Teacher how to work in Christ and through Christ to save the souls of the sick. How can any physician know this until the Saviour shall be received as a personal Saviour to him who administers to suffering humanity? (MM 235.1) MC VC
Religion should be made prominent in a most tender, sympathetic, compassionate way. No one of all the parties with whom he is acquainted can do as much for the sick one as a truly converted nurse and physician. Actions of purity and refinement in looks and words, and above all the sweet words of prayer, though few, yet if sincere, will be a sure anchor to the suffering ones.—Letter 69, 1898. (MM 235.2) MC VC
For Further Study
In the Sickroom:
The Ministry of Healing, 219-224.
The Use of Rational Remedies:
The Ministry of Healing, 234-240. Hygienic Principles:
The Ministry of Healing, 271-294.
Pure Air and Sunshine:
Counsels on Health, 55-60.
Benefits of Outdoor Life:
Counsels on Health, 162-183 (The Ministry of Healing, 51-58, 112, 113; Christ’s Object Lessons, 24-27; Testimonies for the Church 2:525-527; Testimonies for the Church 3:135-138; Testimonies for the Church 7:76-79, 85-87; Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 187);
The Ministry of Healing, 261-268.
Benefits of Physical Exercise:
Counsels on Health, 52-54 (Testimonies for the Church 2:528-533);
Counsels on Health, 189-192 (Education, 210-213);
Counsels on Health, 199, 200 (Testimonies for the Church 3:78).
Counsels on Health, 61-63;
Counsels on Health, 101-104 (Testimonies for the Church 3:70, 71).