Ev 344
(Evangelism 344)
Ministers must impress upon those for whom they labor the importance of their bearing burdens in connection with the work of God. They should be instructed that every department of the work of God should enlist their support and engage their interest. The great missionary field is open to men, and the subject must be agitated, agitated, again and again. The people must understand that it is not the hearers of the Word but the doers of the Word that will have eternal life. Not one is exempted from this work of beneficence. God requires of all men to whom He imparts the gifts of His grace to communicate, not only of their substance to meet the demands for the time in successfully advancing His truth, but to give themselves to God without reserve.... (Ev 344.1) MC VC
It is not a trait of the natural heart to be beneficent; men must be taught, giving them line upon line and precept upon precept, how to work and how to give after God’s order.—The Review and Herald, December 12, 1878. (Ev 344.2) MC VC
Developing New Attitudes for God’s Work—How much means are spent for things that are mere idols, things that engross the thoughts and affections, little ornaments that require attention to be kept free from dust and placed in order. The moments spent in arranging these little idols might be spent in speaking a word in season to some soul, awakening an interest to inquire, “What shall I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30. These little things take the time that should be devoted to prayer, seeking the Lord, and grasping by faith the promises.... (Ev 344.3) MC VC
When I see how much might be done in such countries as I am now in, my heart burns within me to show to those who profess to be the children of God how much money they are wasting on dress, on expensive furniture, or selfish pleasures, in excursions merely for selfish gratifications. All this is embezzling the Lord’s goods, using to please self that means that is wholly His and which should be devoted to His service.—Letter 42a, 1893. (Ev 344.4) MC VC