2SM 257
(Selected Messages Book 2 257)
Chapter 27—The Bereaved VC
Bereavement Softens and Subdues VC
It has been my lot to be chastened by affliction, which has had a softening and subduing influence, removing enmity from my heart, and filling it with sympathy and love. My life of bereavement, [Two of her four boys had died at an early age—the oldest, Henry, at the age of sixteen and Herbert, the youngest, at the age of three months. Death came to her husband, Elder James White, in 1881 after a very brief illness, at the age of sixty. Reference to this experience is found later in the chapter.—Compilers.] Pain, and suffering has not been without precious revealings of the presence of my Saviour. My eyes have been attracted to the heavens that shine in beauty above us; I have obtained glimpses of the eternal world and of the exceeding great reward. When all has seemed dark, there has been a rift in the clouds, and sunbeams from the throne have dispersed the gloom. God would not have any of us remain pressed down by dumb sorrow, with sore and breaking hearts. He would have us look up to catch the rainbow of promise, and reflect light to others. (2SM 257.1) MC VC
Oh, the blessed Saviour stands by many whose eyes are so blinded by tears that they do not discern Him. He longs to clasp our hands firmly, while we cling to Him in simple faith, imploring Him to guide us. It is our privilege to rejoice in God. If we will let the comfort and peace of Jesus into our lives, we shall be kept close to His great heart of love.—The Review and Herald, November 25, 1884. (2SM 257.2) MC VC