TDG 37.3
(This Day With God 37.3)
I hope that the purpose of my adopting you [Addie and May Walling] as my children will be realized—that of seeing you both useful women, children of God forming characters for the mansions which Jesus has gone to prepare for those who love Him. I greatly desire you should make this the aim, purpose, and pursuit of your life. This character building is a most important work. It is not a work that ends in this life, but which tells in the future life. What you make of yourself here through the merits and grace of Christ will be retained through eternal ages, and I am most earnest that you should not meet a low standard. “Learn of me,” says the Great Teacher, “I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest to your soul.” The peace that Christ gives will never, never bring sorrow with it.... (TDG 37.3) MC VC