SW 60
(The Southern Work 60)
God calls us to consider and to help those who are in most need of help. As workers together with God, we are not simply to deplore the destitute condition of the Southern people, but we are to seek to alleviate their condition. Here is a field in America that is nigh at hand. One is to sow the seed, another to reap the harvest, another to bind it up. There is a variety of work, which must be done now while the angels continue to hold the four winds. Many who desire to do missionary work may labor in this field. There is no time to be lost. As men, women, and children among the colored people receive the truth, they should be instructed by those who are imbued with the Spirit of God, and educated and directed in such a way that they may help others. (SW 60.1) MC VC
The Southern field is right in the shadow of your own doors. It is as land that has had a touch of the plow here and there, and then has been left by the plowman, who has been attracted to some easier or more promising field; but those who work the Southern field must make up their minds to practice self-denial. Those who would aid in this work must also practice self-denial, in order that facilities may be provided whereby the field may be worked. God calls for missionaries, and asks us to take up our neglected duties. Let farmers, financiers, builders, and those who are skilled in various arts and crafts go to this field to improve lands and to build humble cottages for themselves and their neighbors. Christ says to you, lift up your eyes, and look upon this Southern field; for it needs the sowers of seed and the reapers of grain. The grace of Christ is unlimited; it is God’s free gift. Why should not this neglected people have the benefit of divine hope and courage and faith? All those who will accept Christ will have sunlight in the heart, and the wholehearted, unselfish worker will receive a reward. Those who are laborers together with God will enter into the joy of their Lord. What is this joy? It is the joy that is felt in the presence of the angels over one sinner that repenteth more than over ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance. (SW 60.2) MC VC
Those who labor in the Southern field will meet with deplorable ignorance. The colored people are suffering the results of the bondage in which they were held. When they were slaves they were taught to do the will of those who called them their property. They were kept in ignorance, and today there are thousands among them that cannot read. Many who profess to be teachers among them are corrupt in character, and they interpret the Scriptures in such a way as to fulfil their own purposes and degrade those who are in their power. The colored people are taught that they must not think or judge for themselves, but that their ministers must be permitted to judge for them. Because of this, the divine plan of salvation has been covered up with a mass of human rubbish and falsehood. The Scripture has been perverted, and the people have been perverted, and the people have been so instructed as to be easily seduced by evil spirits. Mind as well as body has been long abused. The whole system of slavery was originated by Satan, who delights in tyrannizing over human beings. Though he has been successful in degrading and corrupting the black race, many are possessed of decided ability, and if they were blessed with opportunities, they would show more intelligence than do many of their more favored brethren among the white people. Thousands may now be uplifted, and may become agents by which to help those of their own race. There are many who feel the necessity of becoming elevated, and when faithful teachers open the Scriptures, presenting the truth in its native purity to the colored people, the darkness will be dispelled under the bright beams of the Sun of righteousness. Directed in their search for truth by those who have had advantages enabling them to know the truth, they will become intelligent in the Scriptures. (SW 60.3) MC VC