PM 190.3
(The Publishing Ministry 190.3)
We have before us a great work, the closing work of giving the last warning message to a sinful world. But what have we done in the world? Look, I beg of you, at the many, many places that have never even been entered. Behold the Southern field with its millions upon millions of souls. Who is interested in their salvation? Look at the large buildings that have been piled up in a few places. Witness the showing in Battle Creek and in a few other centers of our work. Consider the amount of time, the effort, the means, that have been expended in making a great showing in a few places. Look at our brethren and sisters treading over and over the same ground, while around them is a neglected world, lying in wickedness and corruption, a world as yet unwarned! To me this is an awful picture. What appalling indifference we manifest to the needs of a perishing world!—Manuscript 96, 1902. (PM 190.3) MC VC