1T 544
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 544)
When you are under the pressure of mental anxieties, when you are hearkening to the suggestions of Satan and murmuring and complaining, a ministering angel is commissioned to bear you the succor you need and put to shame the language of your unbelieving mind. You distrust God; you disbelieve in His power to save to the uttermost. You dishonor God by this cruel unbelief and cause yourself much needless suffering. I saw heavenly angels surrounding you, driving back the evil angels, and looking with pity and sorrow upon you, and pointing you to heaven, the crown of immortality, saying: “He that would win must fight.” (1T 544.1) MC VC
Although you have been in doubt and perplexity, you have not dared to entirely sever the connecting link between yourself and God’s commandment-keeping people. Yet you have not yielded all for the truth’s sake; you have not yielded yourself, your own will. You fear to lay yourself and all that you have upon the altar of God, lest you may be required to yield back to Him some portion of that which He has lent you. Heavenly angels are acquainted with our words and actions, and even with the thoughts and intents of the heart. You, dear brother, fear that the truth will cost you too much, but this is one of Satan’s suggestions. Let it take all that you possess, and it does not cost too much; the value received, if rightly estimated, is an eternal weight of glory. How little is required of us! How small the sacrifice that we can make in comparison with that which our divine Lord made for us! And yet a spirit of murmuring comes over you because of the cost of everlasting life. You, as well as others of your brethren at -----, have had severe conflicts with the great adversary of souls. You have several times nearly yielded the conflict, but the influence of your wife and eldest daughter has prevailed. These members of your family would obey the truth with the whole heart could they have your influence to sustain them. (1T 544.2) MC VC