3SM 281
(Selected Messages Book 3 281)
I was astonished at the things shown me in vision. Many things came directly across my own ideas. The matter was upon my mind continually. I talked it to all with whom I had opportunity to converse. My first writing of the vision was the substance of the matter contained in [Spiritual Gifts] Volume IV and in [my six articles in] How to Live, headed, “Disease and Its Causes.” (3SM 281.1) MC VC
We were unexpectedly called to visit Allegan to attend a funeral [June 23, 1863], and then soon left for our eastern journey [Aug. 19], intending to finish my book upon the journey. As we visited the churches, things which had been shown to me in relation to existing wrongs required nearly all my time out of meeting in writing out the matter for them. Before I returned home from the East I had written out about 500 pages for individuals and for churches. (3SM 281.2) MC VC
After we returned from the East [December 21, 1863], I commenced to write [Spiritual Gifts] Volume III, expecting to have a book of a size to bind in with the testimonies which help compose [Spiritual Gifts] Volume IV. As I wrote, the matter opened before me and I saw it was impossible to get all I had to write in as few pages as I at first designed. The matter opened and Volume III was full. Then I commenced on Volume IV, [Volume IV continued the Old Testament history from the building of the sanctuary to Solomon, 119 pages, followed by a 40-page chapter entitled “Health” and then selections from the Testimonies, being a reprint of a major portion of Nos. 1 to 10, in all 160 pages.] but before I had my work finished, while preparing the health matter for the printers, I was called to go to Monterey. We went, and could not finish the work there as soon as we expected. I was obliged to return to finish the matter for the printers, and we left an appointment for the next week. (3SM 281.3) MC VC
These two journeys in hot weather were too much for my strength. I had written almost constantly for above one year. I generally commenced writing at seven in the morning and continued until seven at night, and then left writing to read proof sheets. My mind had been too severely taxed, and for three weeks I had not been able to sleep more than two hours in the night. My head ached constantly. (3SM 281.4) MC VC