CS 265
(Counsels on Stewardship 265)
With this encouragement the work was begun in earnest. The school board gave the land and one hundred pounds. Two hundred pounds was received from the union conference, and the members of the church gave what they could. Friends outside of the church helped, and the builders gave a part of their time, which was as good as money. (CS 265.1) MC VC
Thus the work was completed, and we have this beautiful house, capable of seating four hundred people. We thank the Lord for this house in which to worship Him. He understands all the strait places through which we were brought. When difficulties arose, Elder Haskell, who was superintending the work, would call the workmen together, and they would pray earnestly for God’s blessing upon themselves and the work. The Lord heard prayer, and the house was completed in seven weeks.—The Review and Herald, November 1, 1898. (CS 265.2) MC VC