TMK 240.4
(That I May Know Him 240.4)
Christ came to our world to engage in singlehanded combat with this enemy of man, and thus to wrest the race from Satan’s grasp. In the accomplishment of this object He withheld not His own life. And now, in the strength that Christ will give, man must stand for himself, a faithful sentinel against the wily, plotting foe. Says the great apostle, “Walk circumspectly”(Ephesians 5:15)—guard every avenue of the soul, look constantly to Jesus, the true and perfect Pattern, and seek to imitate His example, not in one or two points merely, but in all things. We shall then be prepared for any and every emergency.... He whose mind loves to dwell upon God has a strong defense. He will be quick to perceive the dangers that threaten his spiritual life, and a sense of danger will lead him to call upon God for help and protection. (TMK 240.4) MC VC