3SM 130.0
(Selected Messages Book 3 130.0)
Abundant provision has been made that finite, fallen man may so connect with God that, through the same Source by which Christ overcame in his human nature, he may stand firmly against every temptation, as did Christ. He was subject to inconveniences that human nature is subjected to. He breathed the air of the same world we breathe. He stood and traveled in the same world we inhabit, which, we have positive evidence, was no more friendly to grace and righteousness than it is today. (3SM 130.1) MC VC
His Attributes May Be Ours—The higher attributes of his being it is our privilege to have, if we will, through the provisions he has made, appropriate these blessings and diligently cultivate the good in the place of the evil. We have reason, conscience, memory, will, affections—all the attributes a human being can possess. Through the provision made when God and the Son of God made a covenant to rescue man from the bondage of Satan, every facility was provided that human nature should come into union with his divine nature. In such a nature was our Lord tempted. He could have yielded to Satan’s lying suggestions as did Adam, but we should adore and glorify the Lamb of God that he did not in a single point yield one jot or one tittle. (3SM 130.2) MC VC