MM 85
(Medical Ministry 85)
Our workers are to become intelligent in regard to Christ’s life and manner of working. The Lord will help those who desire to cooperate with Him as physicians, if they will become learners of Him how to work for the suffering. He will exercise His power through them for the healing of the sick. (MM 85.1) MC VC
Cooperation with the Great Physician VC
Intemperance and ungodliness are increasing everywhere. The work of temperance must begin in our own hearts. And the work of the physician must begin in an understanding of the works and teachings of the Great Physician. Christ left the courts of heaven that He might minister to the sick and suffering of earth. We must cooperate with the Chief of physicians, walking in all humility of mind before Him. Then the Lord will bless our earnest efforts to relieve suffering humanity. It is not by the use of poisonous drugs that this will be done, but by the use of simple remedies. We should seek to correct false habits and practices, and teach the lessons of self-denial. The indulgence of appetite is the greatest evil with which we have to contend. (MM 85.2) MC VC
The truth brought to light by Christ teaches that humanity, through obedience to the truth as it is in Jesus, may realize power to overcome the corruptions that are in the world through lust. Through living faith in the merits of Christ the soul may be converted and transformed into Christlikeness. Angels of God will be by the side of those who in humbleness of mind learn daily the lessons taught by Christ—Letter 140, 1909. (MM 85.3) MC VC
For Further Study
Loma Linda College of Evangelists:
Testimonies for the Church 9:173-178.
The Workers to Be Trained at Loma Linda:
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 465-471.
Students to Cooperate With Church and Ministry:
Counsels on Health, 516, 517 (Testimonies for the Church 6:291).
Importance of Bible Study by Medical Students:
Counsels on Health, 369-37;
Testimonies for the Church 8:156, 157.
Integrity Among Medical Students:
Counsels on Health, 328, 329.
The Peril of Novices as Physicians or Teachers of Health Reform:
Testimonies for the Church 2:375, 385-387.