TM 184-7, 225
(Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 184-7, 225)
The command to you is, “Go work today in My vineyard.” Matthew 21:28. We are all God’s workmen, and not one is to be idle; but I would ask, What are you doing for the Master in order that you may hear His words of approval, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things?” Matthew 25:21. God never makes a mistake; He will never call men good and faithful who are not good and faithful. (TM 184.1) MC VC
The Spirit of Jesus VC
[Special Testimonies to Ministers and Workers, Series A 3:9-12 (1895).] (TM 184) MC VC
August 3, 1894. (TM 184) MC VC
Christ identifies His interest with that of humanity. The work that bears the divine credentials is that which manifests the spirit of Jesus, which reveals His love, His carefulness, His tenderness in dealing with the minds of men. What revelations would come to man if the curtain should be rolled back and you could see the result of your work in dealing with the erring who have needed most judicious treatment lest they should be turned out of the way. “Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.” Hebrews 12:12, 13. (TM 184.2) MC VC
We will always have tried and tempted ones to deal with, and it is essential that we be converted to God every day and be vessels that can be used unto His name’s honor and glory. The true value of the soul can be estimated only by the cross of Calvary. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Those who are unconverted, who are unsanctified, will make manifest what manner of spirit they are of. They will show by their likes and dislikes that their natural feelings are not under the control of a sanctified will. The religion of Jesus Christ is one which will revolutionize the entire man. The truth of God has power to transform the character. (TM 185.1) MC VC
We are to have the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. A faith that does not result in this is of no value. The fruit of the branch will show what is the character of the parent stock. He who is planted in Christ will be elevated. In place of acting rashly, in place of cutting off the erring from faith and hope with your severity and harshness, the true Christian will teach the ignorant, reform the sinful, comfort those who mourn, restrain oppression and injustice, and work after a Christlike plan, even in all business transactions. Instead of stirring up strife, he will bring about peace and harmony. (TM 185.2) MC VC
A hard, unjust, critical spirit has been indulged among those who have held positions of trust in the work of God. Unless those who have indulged this spirit are converted, they will be relieved of the responsibility of acting a part in committees of counsel, even in the transaction of business. Unless they are converted, their voices must not be heard in the council, for the aggregate result is more injurious than beneficial. Wrong prevails, man is made an offender for a word, and suspicion, distrust, jealousy, evil-surmising, evilspeaking, and injustice reproduce themselves even in connection with the cause of God. A false zeal passes for jealousy for the cause of God; but the miserable, filthy garment of self must be destroyed, and in its place men must accept the righteousness of Christ. The persecution that is carried on among church members is a most terrible thing. It is true that some have committed errors and made mistakes, but it is equally true that these errors and mistakes are not nearly as grievous in the sight of God as is the harsh and unforgiving spirit of those who are criticizers and censors. Many of those who are free to pass judgment on others are committing errors which, although not made manifest, are tainted with deadly evil that is corrupting their spiritual life. (TM 185.3) MC VC
Love and Unity VC
God would open the eyes of His professed people in order that they may see that they must love God supremely, and their neighbors as themselves, if they would be saved in His kingdom. Many are making manifest that they are not controlled by the Spirit of Christ but by another spirit. The attributes they display are as unlike the attributes of Christ as are the characteristics of Satan. It is high time that believers should stand shoulder to shoulder and strive together for eternal life, in place of holding themselves aloof and expressing by word and action, “I am holier than thou.” Those who would exert all their powers for the salvation of perishing souls must come heart to heart, and be bound together in cords of sympathy and love. The brethren should manifest the same spirit as that manifested by our merciful and faithful High Priest, who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. We may inspire fainting, hopeless ones with new life. We may achieve victories which our own erroneous and misconceived opinions, our own defects of character, our own smallness of faith, have made to seem impossible. Faith! we scarcely know what it is. (TM 186.1) MC VC
The Lord Is Soon Coming VC
[Special Testimonies, Series A 3:12, 13 (1895).] (TM 187) MC VC
The end of all things is at hand. The Lord is soon coming. Already His judgments are abroad in our land. We are not only to talk of Christ’s coming, but in every action we are to reveal the fact that He is soon to be manifested in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Have we the wedding garment on? Have we personal piety? Have we cooperated with divine agencies in a wholehearted, unreserved manner, in weaving into our life’s practices the divine principles of God’s holy law? It is one thing to talk the law, and it is another thing entirely to practice it. It is the doers of the law that shall be justified before God; for those who do the law represent the character of God, and lie not against the truth. (TM 187.1) MC VC
The Lord is coming. Oh, the time is short, and who in the Bible view are laborers together with God? Shall we not be filled with fear and awe lest we are still in our own natural tempers, lest we are unconverted and unholy, and seeking to pass off a counterfeit experience for a genuine one? Awake, brethren, awake, before it shall be forever too late. (TM 187.2) MC VC
My brethren and sisters, will you bear in mind that in dealing with God’s heritage you are not to act out your natural characteristics? The people of God are Christ’s purchased possession, and what a price He has paid for them! Shall any of us be found aiding the enemy of God and man in discouraging and destroying souls? What will be the retribution brought upon us if we do this class of work? Every one of us should weed out of our conversation everything that is harsh and severe. We should not indulge in condemning others, and we will not do so if we are one with Christ. We are to represent Christ in our dealings with our fellowmen. We are to be laborers together with God in helping those who are tempted. We are not to encourage souls to sow seeds of doubt; for they will bear a baleful harvest. We are to learn of Christ, to practice His methods, to reveal His spirit. We are enjoined, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5. We should educate ourselves to believe in the word of God which is being so wonderfully and gloriously fulfilled. If we have the full assurance of faith, we will not indulge in doubting our brethren and sisters. (TM 225.1) MC VC
Character of Christ VC
We are privileged to see Jesus as He is, to know Him as One who is full of compassion, courteousness, and divine politeness. He is good and merciful, and will forgive our sins. Of Him it is written: “Wherefore in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that He Himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able to succor them that are tempted.” Hebrews 2:17, 18. (TM 225.2) MC VC