1BC 1105
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 1 1105)
(John 14:15). Ten Commandments Ten Promises—The ten commandments, Thou shalt, and Thou shalt not, are ten promises, assured to us if we render obedience to the law governing the universe. “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15. Here is the sum and substance of the law of God. The terms of salvation for every son and daughter of Adam are here outlined (Manuscript 41, 1896). (1BC 1105.1) MC VC
The ten holy precepts spoken by Christ upon Sinai′s mount were the revelation of the character of God, and made known to the world the fact that He had jurisdiction over the whole human heritage. That law of ten precepts of the greatest love that can be presented to man is the voice of God from heaven speaking to the soul in promise, “This do, and you will not come under the dominion and control of Satan.” There is not a negative in that law, although it may appear thus. It is “DO”, and “Live” (Letter 89, 1898). (1BC 1105.2) MC VC
(Romans 12:1; 2 Peter 1:4). A Wall of Protection—In the ten commandments God has laid down the laws of His kingdom. Any violation of the laws of nature is a violation of the law of God. (1BC 1105.3) MC VC
The Lord has given His holy commandments to be a wall of protection around His created beings, and those who will keep themselves from the defilement of appetite and passion may become partakers of the divine nature. Their perceptions will be clear. They will know how to preserve every faculty in health, so that it may be presented to God in service. The Lord can use them: for they understand the words of the great apostle, “I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service”(Romans 12:1) (Manuscript 153, 1899). (1BC 1105.4) MC VC
3-17 (Proverbs 4:20-22). Health in Obedience to God′s Law—The love of Jesus in the soul will banish all hatred, selfishness, and envy; for the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. There is health in obedience to God′s law. The affections of the obedient are drawn out after God. Looking unto the Lord Jesus, we may encourage and serve one another. The love of Christ is shed abroad in our souls, and there is no dissension and strife among us (Manuscript 152, 1901). (1BC 1105.5) MC VC
No Others Professed to Keep Commandments—The ancient Jewish church were the highly favored people of God, brought out of Egypt and acknowledged as His own peculiar treasure. The many and exceeding great and precious promises to them as a people, were the hope and confidence of the Jewish church. Herein they trusted, and believed their salvation sure. No other people professed to be governed by the commandments of God (Redemption: or the First Advent of Christ, 35). (1BC 1105.6) MC VC
3. Self-dependence Is Idolatry—Idolaters are condemned by the Word of God. Their folly consists in trusting in self for salvation, in bowing down to the works of their own hands. God classes as idolaters those who trust in their own wisdom, their own devising, depending for success on their riches and power, striving to strengthen themselves by alliance with men whom the world calls great, but who fail to discern the binding claims of His law (The Review and Herald, March 15, 1906). (1BC 1105.7) MC VC
False Conceptions of God Are Idolatry—Are we worshipers of Jehovah, or of Baal? of the living God, or of idols? No outward shrines may be visible; there may be no image for the eye to rest upon; yet we may be practising idolatry. It is as easy to make an idol of cherished ideas or objects as to fashion gods of wood or stone. Thousands have a false conception of God and His attributes. They are as verily serving a false God as were the servants of Baal (The Review and Herald, December 3, 1908). (1BC 1105.8) MC VC
Satan Plants Throne Between Heaven and Earth—Satan accomplished the fall of man, and since that time it has been his work to efface in man the image of God, and to stamp upon human hearts his own image. Possessing supremacy in guilt, he claims supremacy for himself, and exercises over his subjects the power of royalty. He cannot expel God from His throne, but through the system of idolatry, he plants his own throne between the heaven and the earth, between God and the human worshiper (The Review and Herald, October 22, 1895). (1BC 1105.9) MC VC