LS 174
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 174)
My labors at Wright were very wearing. I had much care of my husband by day, and sometimes in the night. I gave him baths, and took him out to ride, and twice a day, cold, stormy, or pleasant, walked out with him. I used the pen while he dictated his reports for the Review, and also wrote many letters, in addition to personal testimonies, and most of “Testimony for the Church,” No. 11. (LS 174.1) MC VC
At Greenville, Mich. VC
January 29, 1867, we left Wright, and rode to Greenville, a distance of forty miles. It was a severely cold day, and we were glad to find a shelter from the cold and storm at Brother A. W. Maynard’s. This dear family welcomed us to their hearts and to their home. We remained in this vicinity six weeks, laboring with the churches at Greenville and Orleans, and making Brother Maynard’s hospitable home our headquarters. (LS 174.2) MC VC
The Lord gave me freedom in speaking to the people. In every effort made I realized His sustaining power. And as I became fully convinced that I had a testimony for the people, which I could bear to them in connection with the labors of my husband, my faith was strengthened that he would yet be raised to health to labor with acceptance in the cause and work of God. As he ventured, trusting in God, regardless of his feebleness, he gained in strength, and improved with every effort. (LS 174.3) MC VC