2SM 83
(Selected Messages Book 2 83)
You have also taken from their connection portions of the testimonies which the Lord has given for the benefit of His people, and have misapplied them to the support of your erroneous theories—borrowing or stealing the light of Heaven to teach that which the testimonies have no harmony with, and have ever condemned. Thus you place both scripture and testimony in the framework of error. All who are in error do as you have done.... You do not have real faith in the testimonies. If you did, you would have received those which pointed out your delusion. You have been drinking at polluted streams.... (2SM 83.1) MC VC
You have been prepared to accept Satan’s suggestions to give to the world something new and strange and startling, something in opposition to the positions that have been so long held as truth by our people. Your daughter’s false productions have exalted you to do a great work. You have been flattered and have made yourself an agent of the enemy in bringing about results which it is impossible for you to estimate. You have published heresies and theories which could only excite animosity. The result is lamentable to your family and to all who are in sympathy with the false theories you have advanced. Brother Garmire, there is a work for you to do for yourself which no one can do for you, which is to humble your heart before God, confess your sins, and be converted. (2SM 83.2) MC VC
Criticism and its Fruitage VC
The Lord has a people, and He is leading them. Though there certainly are things existing in the church which are not right, Jesus has not placed you at the helm, to guide the church. Unless you change your attitude, you cannot be saved. “Repent, and do the first works” (Revelation 2:5), is the only condition upon which God can restore you to favor. Those whom the Lord pardons, He first makes penitent. The genuine work of the Spirit of God in the heart is necessary in your case, if you are ever recovered from the snare of the enemy. I have but little hope in your case, for your principles are tainted. You are a man of deceptive character; yet you claim great things for yourself. (2SM 83.3) MC VC