3SM 64
(Selected Messages Book 3 64)
An Attempt to Guide Mrs. White—Brother E suggests that it would please the people if I speak less about duty and more in regard to the love of Jesus. But I wish to speak as the Spirit of the Lord shall impress me. The Lord knows best what this people needs. I spoke in the forenoon [Sabbath, October 17] from Isaiah 58. I did not round the corners at all.—Manuscript 26, 1885. (3SM 64.1) MC VC
Manipulated by One Mighty in Counsel—There are those who say, “Someone manipulates her writings.” I acknowledge the charge. It is One who is mighty in counsel, One who presents before me the condition of things.—Letter 52, 1906. (3SM 64.2) MC VC
Why Inquiries Were at Times Made—I am told by one who made a confession to me that doubts and unbelief had been cherished by them against the testimonies because of the words spoken to them by Sister F. One thing mentioned was that the testimonies to individuals had been told me by others and I gave them, purporting to be a message from God. Does my sister know that in this she is making me a hypocrite and a liar? ... (3SM 64.3) MC VC
One case was mentioned by Sister F, that she had told me all about the case of Brother G’s family, and the next thing she heard I was relating the very things she had told me as what the Lord had shown me. (3SM 64.4) MC VC
Let me explain. I am often shown families and individuals and when I have an opportunity with those who are acquainted with them, I make inquiry how that family is standing for the purpose of ascertaining if ministers or people have any knowledge of the existing evils. (3SM 64.5) MC VC
This was the fact in the case concerning Brother G’s family. I wished to see if the testimony was substantiated by facts. But that information given did not originate the testimony, although shortsighted, tempted souls may thus interpret it.—Letter 17, 1887. (3SM 64.6) MC VC