PM 70.0
(The Publishing Ministry 70.0)
Strange Fire Mingled With the Sacred—I presented before those present [at a ministers’ council in the Battle Creek Tabernacle church] the sacred responsibilities connected with the office of publication, telling them that those who accept these responsibilities should be men of faith, men of piety and deep experience. Jesting and joking should not be sanctioned in the office, neither should harshness or sourness be shown to those employed or those seeking counsel. (PM 70.1) MC VC
There are those who do not discern the sacredness of the work, who will surely bring in principles that are not correct. They will work to secure wages, and then think their duty is done. They will bring in a selfish, grasping spirit, which will result in robbery of God. Strange fire will be mingled with the sacred fire. Others will catch this spirit, for the plague spot of selfishness is as contagious as the leprosy.—Manuscript 19, 1891. (PM 70.2) MC VC
Satan Urging False and Unscriptural Principles—I have been shown that Satan and his angels who are doing his bidding, clothed in garments of light, are walking through every room in the office, looking with eager interest upon every branch of the work, urging the workers to present false principles and bring a cheapness into the work, and to destroy, if possible, the sacred, elevating, ennobling principles of the truth. (PM 70.3) MC VC