FW 76.2
(Faith and Works 76.2)
Then talk of His love, talk of His power, praise Him. If you have a voice to say anything, talk of God, talk of heaven, talk of eternal life. I have heard persons who in their homes would speak so loud that their neighbors could hear them, but they would get up in meeting and mumble over a few words that could not be heard. You want to show that you have been learning in the school of Christ and that you have been making progress. “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10). How many believe the truths you have heard today? Do you want to go a few months before you will acknowledge there is light in it? Do you want to stop to reason it all out? You will die before that time. (FW 76.2) MC VC