TDG 243.4
(This Day With God 243.4)
Remember, God will make use of all His children if they will surrender to Him. He has a place and work for all. There are many, you among the number, who think it not possible that God can use them. Think not this longer. You may do your little work in a manner to glorify God. The rill does not refuse to pursue its narrow channel because it is not a river. The grass does not refuse to grow because it has not the proportions of stately trees. The star does not refuse to shine because it is not the sun. Oh, no. Everything in nature has its appointed work and murmurs not at its position. In spiritual things every man and woman has his or her own peculiar sphere and vocation. The interest God requires will be proportionate to the amount of entrusted capital according to the measure of the gift of Christ.... Now is your time and privilege to a stability of character that will make you of real moral worth. Christ has a right to your service. Yield to Him heartily.—Letter 30, August 22, 1875, to “Dear Sister Mary.” (TDG 243.4) MC VC