9T 200
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 9 200)
To every colored brother and sister I would say: Look at the situation as it is. Ask yourself: “In view of the opportunities and advantages granted me, how much do I owe to my Lord? How can I best glorify Him and promote the interests of my people? How can I use to the best advantage the knowledge God has been pleased to give me? Should I not open my Bible and teach the truth to my people? Are there not thousands perishing for lack of knowledge, whom I can help if I submit myself to God so that He can use me as His instrument? Have I not a work to do for my oppressed, discouraged fellows?” (9T 200.1) MC VC
The Southern field is suffering for workers. Will you pass by your people, making no effort to help them, or will you with a humble heart work to save the perishing? There is a work you can do if you will humble yourself before God. Trusting in Him, you will find peace and comfort, but following your own way and your own will, you will find thorns and thistles, and you will lose the reward. (9T 200.2) MC VC
Time is short, and what you do must be done quickly. Resolve to redeem the time. Seek not your own pleasure. Rouse yourself! Take hold of the work with a new purpose of heart. The Lord will open the way before you. Make every possible effort to work in Christ’s lines, in meekness and lowliness, relying upon Him for strength. Understand the work the Lord gives you to do, and, trusting in God, you will be enabled to go on from strength to strength, from grace to grace. You will be enabled to work diligently, perseveringly, for your people while the day lasts; for the night cometh in which no man shall work. (9T 200.3) MC VC
There is the greatest need for all kinds of missionary work in the South. Without delay, workers must be prepared for this field. Our people should provide a fund for the education of men and women in the Southern States who, being accustomed to the climate, can work there without endangering their health. (9T 200.4) MC VC