7BC 978-9
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7 978-9)
(Revelation 14:9-12; see EGW comment on Revelation 16:13-16.) The Signet of Heaven—John saw “a Lamb on Mount Zion, and with Him 144,000 having His Father′s name written in their foreheads.” They bore the signet of heaven. They reflected the image of God. They were full of the light and the glory of the Holy One. If we would have the image and superscription of God upon us, we must separate ourselves from all iniquity. We must forsake every evil way, and then we must trust our cases in the hands of Christ. While we are working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, God will work in us to will and to do of His own good pleasure (The Review and Herald, March 19, 1889). (7BC 978.1) MC VC
Christ Formed Within—[Revelation 14:1-3 quoted.] Why were they so specially singled out? Because they had to stand with a wonderful truth right before the whole world, and receive their opposition, and while receiving this opposition they were to remember that they were sons and daughters of God, that they must have Christ formed within them the hope of glory (Manuscript 13, 1888). (7BC 978.2) MC VC
Eternal Interests Supreme—Those who have in their foreheads the seal of the infinite God will regard the world and its attractions as subordinate to eternal interests (The Review and Herald, July 13, 1897). (7BC 978.3) MC VC
(2 Timothy 2:14-16; see EGW comment on Revelation 7:4-17.) Identity of 144,000 Not Revealed—Christ says that there will be those in the church who will present fables and suppositions, when God has given grand, elevating, ennobling truths, which should ever be kept in the treasure house of the mind. When men pick up this theory and that theory, when they are curious to know something it is not necessary for them to know, God is not leading them. It is not His plan that His people shall present something which they have to suppose, which is not taught in the Word. It is not His will that they shall get into controversy over questions which will not help them spiritually, such as, “Who is to compose the hundred and forty-four thousand.” This those who are the elect of God will in a short time know without question. (7BC 978.4) MC VC
My brethren and sisters, appreciate and study the truths God has given for you and your children. Spend not your time in seeking to know that which will be no spiritual help. “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Luke 10:25. This is the all-important question, and it has been clearly answered. “What is written in the law? how readest thou?”(Luke 10:26)(Manuscript 26, 1901). (7BC 978.5) MC VC
4 (1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6). God′s People Follow the Lamb Now—The Lord has a people on the earth, who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. He has His thousands who have not bowed the knee to Baal. Such will stand with Him on Mount Zion. But they must stand on this earth, girded with the whole armor, ready to engage in the work of saving those who are ready to perish. Heavenly angels conduct this search, and spiritual activity is demanded of all who believe present truth, that they may join the angels in their work. (7BC 978.6) MC VC
We need not wait till we are translated to follow Christ. God′s people may do this here below. We shall follow the Lamb of God in the courts above only if we follow Him here. Following Him in heaven depends on our keeping His commandments now. We are not to follow Christ fitfully or capriciously, only when it is for our advantage. (7BC 978.7) MC VC
We must choose to follow Him. In daily life we must follow His example, as a flock trustfully follows its shepherd. We are to follow Him by suffering for His sake, saying, at every step, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.” Job 13:15. His life practice must be our life practice. And as we thus seek to be like Him, and to bring our wills into conformity to His will, we shall reveal Him (The Review and Herald, April 12, 1898. (7BC 978.8) MC VC
5. See EGW comment on 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12. (7BC 978.9) MC VC
6-12 (see EGW comment on Revelation 10:1-11; 2:18). Soon to Be Understood—The fourteenth chapter of Revelation is a chapter of the deepest interest. This scripture will soon be understood in all its bearings, and the messages given to John the revelator will be repeated with distinct utterance (The Review and Herald, October 13, 1904). (7BC 978.10) MC VC
Identifying the Three Angels—Christ is coming the second time, with power unto salvation. To prepare human beings for this event, He has sent the first, second, and third angels′ messages. These angels represent those who receive the truth, and with power open the gospel to the world (Letter 79, 1900). (7BC 978.11) MC VC
(Revelation 18:1-5.) A Loyal Company—The churches have become as described in the eighteenth chapter of Revelation. Why are the messages of Revelation fourteen given? Because the principles of the churches have become corrupted.... [Revelation 14:6-10 quoted.] (7BC 979.1) MC VC
Apparently the whole world is guilty of receiving the mark of the beast. But the prophet sees a company who are not worshiping the beast, and who have not received his mark in their foreheads or in their hands. “Here is the patience of the saints,” he declares; “here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus”(Revelation 14:12) (Manuscript 92, 1904). (7BC 979.2) MC VC
Large Numbers Accept the Truth—The time of God′s destructive judgments is the time of mercy for those who have no opportunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord look upon them. His heart of mercy is touched; His hand is still stretched out to save, while the door is closed to those who would not enter. Large numbers will be admitted who in these last days hear the truth for the first time (The Review and Herald, July 5, 1906). (7BC 979.3) MC VC
7. Giving Glory to God—To give glory to God is to reveal His character in our own, and thus make Him known. And in whatever way we make known the Father or the Son, we glorify God (Manuscript 16, 1890). (7BC 979.4) MC VC
8 (Daniel 7:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4; see EGW comment on Revelation 18:1-5). World Drunk With Wine of Babylon—God denounces Babylon “because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Revelation 14:8. This means that she has disregarded the only commandment which points out the true God, and has torn down the Sabbath, God′s memorial of creation. (7BC 979.5) MC VC
God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh, sanctifying this day, and setting it apart from all others as holy to Himself, to be observed by His people throughout their generations. (7BC 979.6) MC VC
But the man of sin, exalting himself above God, sitting in the temple of God, and showing himself to be God, thought to change times and laws. This power, thinking to prove that it was not only equal to God, but above God, changed the rest day, placing the first day of the week where the seventh should be. And the Protestant world has taken this child of the papacy to be regarded as sacred. In the Word of God this is called her fornication. (7BC 979.7) MC VC
God has a controversy with the churches of today. They are fulfilling the prophecy of John. “All nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Revelation 18:3. They have divorced themselves from God by refusing to receive His sign. They have not the spirit of God′s true commandment-keeping people. And the people of the world, in giving their sanction to a false sabbath, and in trampling under their feet the Sabbath of the Lord, have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication (Letter 98, 1900). (7BC 979.8) MC VC
9-12 (Revelation 13:11-17; see EGW comment on Revelation 12:17; Revelation 18:1; Isaiah 58:12-14). The Real Issue in the Final Conflict—[Revelation 14:9, 10 quoted.] It is for the interest of all to understand what the mark of the beast is, and how they may escape the dread threatenings of God. Why are men not interested to know what constitutes the mark of the beast and his image? It is in direct contrast with the mark of God. [Exodus 31:12-17 quoted.] (7BC 979.9) MC VC
The Sabbath question will be the issue in the great conflict in which all the world will act a part. [Revelation 13:4-10 quoted.] This entire chapter is a revelation of what will surely take place [Revelation 13:11, 15-17 quoted] (Manuscript 88, 1897). (7BC 979.10) MC VC
What Is the Mark of the Beast?—John was called to behold a people distinct from those who worship the beast and his image by keeping the first day of the week. The observance of this day is the mark of the beast (Letter 31, 1898). (7BC 979.11) MC VC
(Revelation 13:16, 17.) Warning Against Mark of the Beast—The third angel′s message has been sent forth to the world, warning men against receiving the mark of the beast or of his image in their foreheads or in their hands. To receive this mark means to come to the same decision as the beast has done, and to advocate the same ideas, in direct opposition to the Word of God. Of all who receive this mark, God says, “The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.”(Revelation 14:10) ... (7BC 979.12) MC VC