GW 21
(Gospel Workers 1915 21)
Isaiah’s Commission VC
When God was about to send Isaiah with a message to His people, He first permitted the prophet to look in vision into the holy of holies within the sanctuary. Suddenly the gate and the inner veil of the temple seemed to be uplifted or withdrawn, and he was permitted to gaze within, upon the holy of holies, where even the prophet’s feet might not enter. There rose before him a vision of Jehovah sitting upon a throne high and lifted up, while the train of His glory filled the temple. Around the throne were seraphim, as guards about the great King, and they reflected the glory that surrounded them. As their songs of praise resounded in deep notes of adoration, the pillars of the gate trembled, as if shaken by an earthquake. With lips unpolluted by sin, these angels poured forth the praises of God. “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts,” they cried; “the whole earth is full of His glory.” See Isaiah 6:1-8. (GW 21.1) MC VC
The seraphim around the throne are so filled with reverential awe as they behold the glory of God, that they do not for an instant look upon themselves with admiration. Their praise is for the Lord of hosts. As they look into the future, when the whole earth shall be filled with His glory, the triumphant song is echoed from one to another in melodious chant, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts.” Isaiah 6:3. They are fully satisfied to glorify God; abiding in His presence, beneath His smile of approbation, they wish for nothing more. In bearing His image, in doing His bidding, in worshiping Him, their highest ambition is reached. (GW 21.2) MC VC
As the prophet listened, the glory, the power, and the majesty of the Lord was opened to his vision; and in the light of this revelation his own inward defilement appeared with startling clearness. His very words seemed vile to him. In deep humiliation he cried, “Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips: ...for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.” Isaiah 6:5. (GW 21.3) MC VC