UL 291.6
(The Upward Look 291.6)
Each day, each hour of life, from childhood to youth, from youth to middle age, and onward to old age, our life history is being as faithfully recorded in the books of heaven as the polished plate of the artist reflects the features of the sitter. Each day, each hour, brings with it advantages which the human agent must improve. We cannot afford to lose a moment by doing careless work for the Lord. We must use our entrusted talents with fidelity, that earnest, honest, pure, clean work may bring glory to God. Nothing less will be accepted by Him. Our work in this world is to reveal the pure principles that are current in heaven. This is the only kind of work that will be acknowledged in the courts of heaven, and accepted as pure and holy by the Lord.—Manuscript, October 4, 1896, “To Those Concerned in Publishing Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing.” (UL 291.6) MC VC