PM 210.0
(The Publishing Ministry 210.0)
My brother, will you help us in our efforts to get before the people of the world the message of warning that is to prepare a people to stand in the great day of test and trial?—Letter 139, 1904. (PM 210.1) MC VC
Care Regarding Expense of New Editions—I am distressed for means with which to live and to pay my workers. [Ellen White received the salary of an ordained minister after her husband died in 1881. She also received royalty from the sale of her books, but the cost of book plates and the wages paid to her office helpers were met from her royalty income.] I am seeking to follow the light given me not to become deeper involved in debt, but to do all I can to free myself from debt. And while we have not the capital to invest, I do not see how we can reset these books. It must not be done. (PM 210.2) MC VC
Even though these books do not sell as readily as they would if thoroughly revised, yet the resetting of them will place upon me a heavier burden than I am able to bear.... (PM 210.3) MC VC
I might have consented to a considerable outlay of means had not the Lord instructed me that there would be dissatisfaction created, because a new edition would render the old editions unsalable. I want my every movement to be true to God and to maintain the principles of His law. I must love Him supremely, and my neighbor as myself.... (PM 210.4) MC VC
Time is nearing its close. I want every transaction to show the marks of unselfishness.—Letter 229, 1903. (PM 210.5) MC VC