4T 329
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 4 329)
God has been true to Brother D, and he should respond to His merciful dealings, notwithstanding man has shown so little of tenderness and the feelings of common humanity. It is Brother D’s privilege to hide in Christ from the strife of tongues, and to feel that exhaustless sources of gratitude, contentment, and peace are open to him and accessible every moment. Had he earthly treasures without limit, he would not be as rich as he may now be in the privilege of being on the side of right and of drinking to the full of the streams of salvation. (4T 329.1) MC VC
What has not God done for Brother D in giving His Son to die for him? and will He not with Him freely give him all things? Why should he be unfaithful to God because man has proved unfaithful to him? How much stronger than death is the love that binds the mother’s heart to her afflicted child; “yet God declares that even a mother may forget her child, yet will I not forget thee.” Isaiah 49:15. No; not a single soul who puts his trust in Him will be forgotten. God thinks of His children with the tenderest solicitude and keeps a book of remembrance before Him, that He may never forget the children of His care. (4T 329.2) MC VC