CSW 39
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 39)
God’s Manner of Imparting Knowledge VC
Day by day Jesus gained knowledge from the great library of animate and inanimate nature. He who had created all things, at whose word of power hill and vale, river and tree, had come into being, was now a child of humanity, and He studied the lessons which His own hand had written in leaf and flower and tree. The parables, by which, during His ministry, Jesus loved to teach His lessons of truth, show how open His spirit was to the sweet influence of nature, and how, during those hidden years, He delighted to gather the spiritual teachings from all the surroundings of daily life. To Jesus the significance of the word and the works of God unfolded gradually, as He was thinking, seeking to understand the reason of things, as any youth may seek to understand. (CSW 39.1) MC VC