PM 93.0
(The Publishing Ministry 93.0)
Office Workers Should Be Literature Evangelists—The Lord’s work has many branches. The ways in which the Lord condescends to employ human agents are numerous. As God’s stewards each man and woman has a work to perform. Each one is given capabilities which qualify him for this work. If those in responsible positions in the office put aside all selfishness, if they faithfully weigh the probabilities and possibilities, they will see that if there are any employed in the office to do a work that might better be done outside the office, these should be placed where they can use their ability in other lines of the Lord’s work. There is great need of canvassers, and none of us are in this world to please and glorify self.—Manuscript 54, 1899. (PM 93.1) MC VC
Cheerful Interviews and Examinations—Before a worker is admitted to the office, he should be examined in regard to his capabilities and his spiritual condition. This examination should not be conducted in an arbitrary manner, but in the love of Christ, not after the regular order, but after Christ’s order.... (PM 93.2) MC VC
The work done for the spiritual interest of the workers in the office should be done with cheerfulness. It is not to be looked upon as a burden, but as a privilege. Those who do this work are not to wear long faces, as though they were going to a funeral. Their countenances should be lighted up with the joy of serving Christ.—Manuscript 81, 1901. (PM 93.3) MC VC
Help One Who Has Weak Points in Character—Instruction was given me that Brother P should be separated from his worldly associates; that unless he was placed under altogether different influences, he would be ruined; and that as he was called away from his work in the Southern field, without a proper motive, to take up work in the Review office, he should return to the work from which he was called. (PM 93.4) MC VC