VSS 71
(The Voice in Speech and Song 71)
Section 2—Christ the Ideal Speaker (VSS 71) MC VC
Chapter 11—Nature of His Voice VC
Distinct Enunciation—Jesus is our example. His voice was musical, and was never raised in high, strained notes while He was speaking to the people. He did not speak so rapidly that His words were crowded one upon another in such a way that it made it difficult to understand Him. He distinctly enunciated every word, and those that heard His voice bore the testimony that “never man spake like this man.”(John 7:46)—The Review and Herald, March 5, 1895. (VSS 71.1) MC VC
A Calm, Earnest, Musical Voice—By loving words and by works of mercy, Christ bore down old traditions and man-made commandments, and presented the love of the Father in its exhaustless fullness. His calm, earnest, musical voice fell like balm on the wounded spirit.—The Review and Herald, March 5, 1901. (VSS 71.2) 2 I MC VC
Love in His Tone—His tender compassion fell with a touch of healing upon weary and troubled hearts. Even amid the turbulence of angry enemies He was surrounded with an atmosphere of peace. The beauty of His countenance, the loveliness of His character, above all, the love expressed in look and tone, drew to Him all who were not hardened in unbelief. Had it not been for the sweet, sympathetic spirit that shone out in every look and word, He would not have attracted the large congregations that He did.—The Desire of Ages, 254. (VSS 71.3) MC VC